I got several questions around new feature called stove.
I used it on a cookbook that already exists. I did following steps:
Updated gemfile with new gems including stove gem
Added Rakefile and modified it, erased Thorfile since I don’t need it.
commited changes to GitHub
ran rake publish[new version]
Got first problem - no CHANGELOG file - why? shouldn’t this be generated by
Created CHANGELOG manually and formatted it by standards
Got to second problem - stove wants me to put github access token to .stove
file — why and why stove hasn’t created .stove file automatically, have I
missed some command?
Third problem - I got prompted with CHANGELOG file to edit it - I did and
got double data in it
How to avoid this double editing in future?
In the end got metadata.rb updated successfully by rake and got that
cookbook tag published but only that tag ended up on GitHub along with
changelog file change
In the end rake aborted because I got prompted with message: the server
responded with status 401, I’m assuming that happened because GitHub was
down at one moment…
So, when I’m switching between versions of cookbooks on GitHub I’m
surprised that I only got changelog uploaded on GitHub and no gemfile, no
Rakefile etc… — Could that be due to GitHub’s server fail and aborted
rake due to that fail?
Sorry for long mail but how else to explain my problems
I've realized that I get fail at GitHub server because it gives me error
about bad credentials which is a big surprise because it worked for first 2
attempts when I had to give credentials and also I have noticed that my
updates are not synced with my work, I release a new version my original
cookbook gets bumped with version that suppose to end up on previous
I'll try to do all over again and start counting versions from start, maybe
I'll be able to track why is this not working as it should and why are my
releases out of a sync ... it doesn't make sense that I commit changes and
then I run rake(new version) and only get updated changelog, that is wrong
.. new changes should be in new version and stove shouldn't require manual
change at all, it should do it automatically by asking user only to commit
Correct my thoughts if I have failed along the way
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 11:36 PM, Jasna Benčić jasna.bencic@teamsnap.comwrote:
I got several questions around new feature called stove.
I used it on a cookbook that already exists. I did following steps:
Updated gemfile with new gems including stove gem
Added Rakefile and modified it, erased Thorfile since I don't need it.
commited changes to GitHub
ran rake publish[new version]
Got first problem - no CHANGELOG file - why? shouldn't this be generated
by stove?
Created CHANGELOG manually and formatted it by standards
Got to second problem - stove wants me to put github access token to
.stove file --- why and why stove hasn't created .stove file automatically,
have I missed some command?
Third problem - I got prompted with CHANGELOG file to edit it - I did and
got double data in it
How to avoid this double editing in future?
In the end got metadata.rb updated successfully by rake and got that
cookbook tag published but only that tag ended up on GitHub along with
changelog file change
In the end rake aborted because I got prompted with message: the server
responded with status 401, I'm assuming that happened because GitHub was
down at one moment....
So, when I'm switching between versions of cookbooks on GitHub I'm
surprised that I only got changelog uploaded on GitHub and no gemfile, no
Rakefile etc... --- Could that be due to GitHub's server fail and aborted
rake due to that fail?
Sorry for long mail but how else to explain my problems
*by manual change I mean manual push to GitHub - that's where versions of
cookbook get out of sync
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 12:15 AM, Jasna Benčić jasna.bencic@teamsnap.comwrote:
I've realized that I get fail at GitHub server because it gives me error
about bad credentials which is a big surprise because it worked for first 2
attempts when I had to give credentials and also I have noticed that my
updates are not synced with my work, I release a new version my original
cookbook gets bumped with version that suppose to end up on previous
I'll try to do all over again and start counting versions from start,
maybe I'll be able to track why is this not working as it should and why
are my releases out of a sync ... it doesn't make sense that I commit
changes and then I run rake(new version) and only get updated changelog,
that is wrong .. new changes should be in new version and stove shouldn't
require manual change at all, it should do it automatically by asking user
only to commit first
Correct my thoughts if I have failed along the way
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 11:36 PM, Jasna Benčić jasna.bencic@teamsnap.comwrote:
I got several questions around new feature called stove.
I used it on a cookbook that already exists. I did following steps:
Updated gemfile with new gems including stove gem
Added Rakefile and modified it, erased Thorfile since I don't need it.
commited changes to GitHub
ran rake publish[new version]
Got first problem - no CHANGELOG file - why? shouldn't this be generated
by stove?
Created CHANGELOG manually and formatted it by standards
Got to second problem - stove wants me to put github access token to
.stove file --- why and why stove hasn't created .stove file automatically,
have I missed some command?
Third problem - I got prompted with CHANGELOG file to edit it - I did and
got double data in it
How to avoid this double editing in future?
In the end got metadata.rb updated successfully by rake and got that
cookbook tag published but only that tag ended up on GitHub along with
changelog file change
In the end rake aborted because I got prompted with message: the server
responded with status 401, I'm assuming that happened because GitHub was
down at one moment....
So, when I'm switching between versions of cookbooks on GitHub I'm
surprised that I only got changelog uploaded on GitHub and no gemfile, no
Rakefile etc... --- Could that be due to GitHub's server fail and aborted
rake due to that fail?
Sorry for long mail but how else to explain my problems