Automate 2 version 20180831173550 Released!

We are delighted to announce the availability of version 20180831173550 of Chef Automate 2.

New Features

  • Preview Compliance Profiles: You can use many of the Category I STIG controls for Windows 2016 and RHEL 7. These aren't the full STIG--yet--we show you "skip" results for not-yet-implemented controls.


  • What's in a name: Now you'll see node id on the node detail page.
  • Go Back but keep the important stuff: The back button on the node detail page lets you keep your applied server or org filters.

Bug Fixes

  • Control 2.2.2 in the CIS Windows 2016 DomainController profile won't query all the users and groups on the system.
  • Stopped the Client Run page search bar from hanging while filling the autocomplete list.

Backward Incompatibilities

  • So far, our improvements to the Client Runs search bar applies only to Chrome. We're working on improving it for Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

By default Chef Automate 2 will automatically upgrade to this new version. If you have disabled automatic upgrades you can manually initiate an upgrade by running:

chef-automate upgrade run

As always, we welcome your feedback and invite you to contact us directly or share your feedback online. Thanks for using Chef Automate 2!