Automate 2 version 20191015190829 Released!

We are delighted to announce the availability of version 20191015190829 of Chef Automate 2.

New Features

  • Know More: Check out the newly added Controls List tab in the Compliance Reports page! Currently, you can view up to 100 controls at a time. Use the search bar filters, including control tag filters, to narrow down the list. We plan to expand the number of viewable controls to the total controls count in the near future.

Bug Fixes

  • Lens Fix: Resolved a bug where viewing Scan Results from the Profile Details view did not correctly apply the control filter and distorted the status results.

How to Upgrade

By default Chef Automate 2 will automatically upgrade to this new version. If you have disabled automatic upgrades you can manually initiate an upgrade by running:

chef-automate upgrade run

As always, we welcome your feedback and invite you to contact us directly or share your feedback online. Thanks for using Chef Automate 2!