"Last release: 11.14.2"

I don’t think I understand Chef releases, or the current CHANGELOG.md
on master is incorrect.

The master branch CHANGELOG.md currently states:

Unreleased: 12.0.0

Last release: 11.14.2

Yet there were no less than 4 official Chef releases between those.

Do I just not know how your process works?

Jeff Blaine
PGP/GnuPG Key ID: 0x0C8EDD02

On Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 7:24 AM, Jeff Blaine wrote:

I don't think I understand Chef releases, or the current CHANGELOG.md (http://CHANGELOG.md)
on master is incorrect.

The master branch CHANGELOG.md (http://CHANGELOG.md) currently states:

Unreleased: 12.0.0
Last release: 11.14.2

Yet there were no less than 4 official Chef releases between those.

Do I just not know how your process works?
There’s two reasons for this. One, 11.16 was made by cherry-picking the windows DSC features onto 11-stable. We did this because most of our team’s effort is on Chef Client 12 and we didn’t have time to QA other code that had gone into master since then, so we handled the release like we would a bug fix/patch release. Secondly, we’ve merged some 12.0 changes into master, so all subsequent 11.x releases will be made by merging patches to the 11-stable branch.

Anyway, I think you’re implicit point, that users should be able to go to github and read a DOC_FILE.md and see the real current state of release history, is correct. I’ll see about getting master updated.

Jeff Blaine
kickflop.net (http://kickflop.net)
PGP/GnuPG Key ID: 0x0C8EDD02

Daniel DeLeo

On 10/23/14, 7:24 AM, Jeff Blaine wrote:

I don't think I understand Chef releases, or the current CHANGELOG.md
on master is incorrect.

The master branch CHANGELOG.md currently states:

Unreleased: 12.0.0
Last release: 11.14.2

Yet there were no less than 4 official Chef releases between those.

Do I just not know how your process works?

That's when 11-stable got branched off of master. The CHANGELOG.md on
the 11-stable branch should be correct for what is on that branch.

(I will, however, agree its confusing if you're not a chef developer,
and we're trying to figure out the best way to maintain it as we go