Meeting notes for Mar 12, 2020

Below are notes from this week’s meeting.


bennyVasquez shared:

  • We’re still keeping an eye on COVID-19, and assessing how it will impact ChefConf. As soon as we leave the holding pattern, we’ll make sure to let everyone know!
  • We’ll be streaming live tomorrow on at 11am Pacific time, and this week’s topic is a discussion of Gene Kim’s devops guidebook, The Unicorn Project . Please join us and share your experiences implementing the different practices highlighted throughout the novel!

This week’s releases


tas50 shared:

Automate 20200303183409 shipped. This includes a ton of work on the API documentation and improvements to the node status endpoint plus some bugfixes.

Chef Workstation

tas50 shared:

Chef Workstation 0.17.5 shipped with the new Test Kitchen release and InSpec 4.18.100. This also includes a fix for running sudo during the knife bootstrap process

Other releases

tas50 shared:

kitchen-dokken 2.8.2 was released which now points the proper Chef Infra Client binstubs when converging. kitchen-dokken and dokken-images are now also part of the official Test Kitchen github org, which will make it much easier for new users to get involved.

Speaking of kitchen-dokken we also added a new ubuntu-20.04 dokken image if you want to get started testing out the upcoming Ubuntu release. That’ll get updated as Ubuntu updates their base image so make sure to update it if you’re testing locally

@El Jeffe released a new version of the Habitat cookbook which fixes some idempotency issues in the hab_sup_systemd resource

A new set of Ubuntu and Debian Bento boxes shipped for VMware which moves to the open-vm-tools package instead of the vmware installation from VMware Desktop

Last but not least we’re preparing a new release of our omnitruck API that uses our recently updated mixlib-install package. This changes how we parse values in /etc/os-release and resolves installation failures on some operation systems like opensuse-leap 15.

Other updates


Alex Pop shared

Greetings from the Automate team!

  • We made a bunch of UI improvements. For example, we merged a UI change to ensure long continuous text within info columns wrap w/ the column width.
  • Updated and added new compliance profiles, we are at 399 Available Profiles!
  • Nodes deleted via /ingest/events/chef/nodedelete will also be removed from the node manager.
  • Released a change to flag node manager nodes as missig when they go missing in chef-infra.
  • Improved Compliance reports retrieval when start_time or end_time filters are provided.
  • Progressed with the Habitat Builder in Automate work.
  • Researching ways to reduce the size of the Compliance reports that are sent in for ingestion.
  • Improvements to documentation and release notes
  • Continuing with code refactoring and cleanup
  • UI work happening to display InSpec waivers and stats around waivers.
  • Added InSpec waivers to the reports and export Compliance API endpoint.


stocksy shared:

Not much to report this week.

  • Docs + web updates from mjingle and kekaichinose
  • Fix to deprecations in tests from tecracer-theinen


sdmacfarlane shared:

  • Greetings from the Habitat team. This week in Habitat:
  • --update-condition work completed, enabling rollback for users to opt in to that behavior
  • Working on making artifact cache readable by non-root
  • improvements to and documentation for plan variants
  • Graph util work was merged :party_parrot:
  • Started work on cli tooling to emit build order based on the graph util work
  • Added HEAD to some routes decrease bandwidth usage and improve performance of certain requests
  • UI Changes have landed in acceptance, will be deployed Monday ( ) :heart: to everyone who was involved

That announcement is worth reading if you have connected windows plans on


mparadise shared:

Workstation team has been working on getting the release out, and has started
work on functionality for chef analyze that will let you capture a live node's state
and cookbook requirements into a local chef-repo, for potential use in spinning
up a test-kitchen node that looks similar.

Chef Infra Server

prajakta shared:

  • We continue to evaluate the external library (erlcloud) for v4 signatures to while connecting to s3.
  • We are working on fixing the FIPS regression by using erlang crypto instead of the erlang-crypto2 patch that was being used earlier.

Chef Infra Client

tas50 shared

We’re continuing to work on Chef Infra Client 16 work. This includes more work on Ruby 2.7 which has led to a bunch of wonderful test work we had to do. We merged in the last of the functionality from the chef-vault cookbook so you’ll no longer need that with Chef Infra Client 16. We’re also prepping multipackage support for homebrew and a new alternatives resources for managing alternatives binary links on Linux.

Sous Chefs

Xorima shared

Over at sous-chefs we have released this week:

  • apache2 8.1.0
  • line 2.8.0
  • pulledpork 3.0.0

A couple more releases should be coming out tonight as well, @damacus is currently fixing/table flipping the Java cookbook now we have a plan for it. We have also closed off almost all open PRs in the last couple weeks and aim to keep on top of them going forward. As always if you want to help out drop by #sous-chefs channel

See you in next week!

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